27 July Saturday

Strengthening Party, The Need of the Hour : Karat

Sajan EvugenUpdated: Sunday Apr 10, 2022

Prakash Karat briefing the proceedings of the Party Congress to the media

CPI-M Politburo member Prakash Karat said that the discussion on the Draft Political Organisational report which he presented in the 23rd Party Congress has been concentated on the need to urgently strengthen the political, ideological and organisational work of the party. The Party has to vigorously fight  the challenge of the Hindutva forces ideologically, politically and organisationally. For that, party organisation should be strengthened  with quality membership. There should be more women and youth in the  composition of the party. Through sustained class and mass struggles and by consolidating  these  movements the  Party can strengthen its  political influence-Prakash Karat explained.

The Covid pandemic with associated lockdowns and protocols has created impediments, naturally, for developing  mass actions. The Covid situation also made some impact on  the membership of the party. In 2020 the Party had 10,07,903 members. But in 2021 the membership slightly reduced to 9,85,757. But now the membership is picking up. During the worst time of Covid Pandemic Party volunteers had been actively engaged in relief work. In West Bengal alone there were 10,000 volunteers.

There  must be a concentrated effort to forge live links with the people. Focused efforts needed to attract youth as well as women to the Party. The Party's reach and influence among the people and rallying the Left and democratic forces can be strengthened by mass movements.  Replying to a question he says that Hindutva does not mean Hindu. Hindutva is a political project. It has nothing to do with Hindu Religion. CPI-M is opposing Hindutva and Islamistic political projects. But in India Hindutva poses greater danger. BJP is trying to make it a state ideology-Prakash Karat responded.

He replied that all Indian languages should be given equal status. The Union government should not impose Hindi as an official language. He informed that The reply to discussion on the draft political organisational report would be given on Sunday.
