27 July Saturday

Centre Scraps Overseas Scholarships Leaving Dalit, Tribal Students In The Lurch

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Monday Feb 21, 2022

New Delhi : The news could not be worse for  for students from vulnerable sections fighting for a better life. The  Centre is phasing  out  National Overseas Scholarship(NOS) that help  Dalits, students from landless farmers and tribals to study abroad. . The number of  scholarship beneficiaries have declined steadily over past six years. The Modi govt has withdrawn scholarships for overseas study of  Indian culture, social science and heritage.

The scrapping comes even as there is not much time left to apply for these scholarships. NOS is implemented via the Union Ministry For Social Justice. The Ministry has not  mulled changing criterion for the scholarships. At least, not yet and   the deadline for applying for the scholarships is 31 March.

The scholarships for subjects in Humanities was started in 2012. Each year since,  100 students received these scholarships until six years ago when, the numbers reduced steadily touching a low of  just 39 scholarships in the year 2021-22. The grant for the scholarships was slashed to Rs 20 crore.

Only 50-70 persons on an average have secured scholarships in the past six years and  only  minuscule from the weaker sections secure scholarships from studies abroad. That hope has now however hit roadblock. Washing hands off Humanities and Social Science subjects will defeat purpose of this scholarship.

With funds from Centre failing to come through, UGC fellowships too have shrunk in numbers over the past six years.
