27 July Saturday

Voice Recording Pertains To Custody Period; No Threats; Swapna Dismisses Customs’ Claims; Letter To Jail Superintendent Out

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday Mar 6, 2021

Thiruvananthapuram:Customs’ attempt to concoct allegations boomerangs after Swapna Suresh, the culprit in  Gold smuggling case, dismissed its  argument on threats to her security. She also phoo phooed Customs claims of her being mentally tortured in jail.  Nobody spoke about the case at Attakulangara jail, says Swapna Suresh in her letter to woman jail superintendent, the copy of which is now out.

Given above is the letter Swapna handed to Jail Superintendent on 19th Nov. Also  out is the audio clip where Swapna speaks about authorities coercing her to testify against Chief Minister. The letter of 19th Nov was a voluntary one, says Swapna. Have not seen anybody in jail, neither has any official questioned come over for questioning nor have I  spoken to anyone here, she added.

Audio clip that surfaced on media might pertain to time while in Customs custody. I do not remember who I was conversing with. While in custody, there have occurred casual talks, said Swapna.  I have engaged in casual conversation with women jailors and prison inmates while in NIA and Customs custody. The voice recorrding  in question must be an old one, most likely some small-talk conversaion that took place after 1st of August 2020 while in custody, says Swapna in her letter.
