27 July Saturday

Staff Electrician Who Attempted To Rape Nurse Arrested : Thripunithura

Web Desk‌Updated: Monday Mar 27, 2023

Tripunitura : A man who attempted to rape the nurse on duty after locking up the doctor,  was arrested by police. The incident took place at  Ayurveda Hospital in  Thripunitura’s SN Junction around 11 pm on Thursday.

The accused Sreejith(38) works as electrician in the same  hospital. On the fateful night, he locked the door to doctor’s room and sneaked into the nursing station where the victim nurse was resting. He then dragged her to another room  in a bid to rape her. She struggled and somehow broke loose and ran out, escaping the worse.

The accused returned the following day and showed pictures of a gun and sword on his mobile. He said  those weapons lay in his car and that he would not hesitate to use them if she disclosed the incident to anyone. The nurse told her husband what happened and lodged a police complaint.

Following this,  the accused went into hiding. Police found his getaway car and also the air gun and sword inside. . Police nabbed Sreejith today from Kurupumpadi area. The arrest team  led by Circle Inspector V Gopakumar comprised Sub Inspector Jimmy Jose, ASI LS Sathishumar, SCPOs, KS Srini and Ranjit Lal. The accused was produced in court and remanded.
