27 July Saturday

Snake-bite Murder : Court Finds Suraj Guilty Of Killing Wife Uttara; Quantum Sentencing on Wednesday

Anita SasiUpdated: Monday Oct 11, 2021

Kollam : The Kollam Additional Sessions Court   has pronounced Suraj guilty of killing his mentally-handicapped wife,Uttara, by manipulating venomous cobra to bite her while asleep.

The day started with court reading out crimes Suraj was found guilty of, in the case. Asked if he had anything to say, Suraj answered with a ‘no’.

Prosecution qualified the case as ‘rarest of rare’  citing the method of killing.  Seeking capital punishment for Suraj  prosecution   described  Suraj as  heinous and a calculating killer who was busy planning for next murder attempt even as his wife lay shrivelling in pain at hospital,  from the first snake bite he had manipulated. The prosecution also arrayed the two earlier attempts during which the mentally-disabled victim was subject to enormous mental and physical pain before she finally died on 20th of May, 2020 from cobra-bite Suraj orchestrated.

The defense lawyer rejected prosecution's claim that the  case was  ‘rarest of rare’ and sought to put off capital punishment for his client. Suraj’s lawyer also cited his young age and lack of previous crime history for sparing him death sentence.

The snake-catcher who sold the said cobra to Suraj turned approver in the case.
The court will deliver quantum sentencing on Wednesday.
