27 July Saturday

Burglary After Tying Up Housewife : BJP, SDPI Workers Arrested; Leaderships in Limbo

Web Desk (Tvm)Updated: Thursday Mar 23, 2023

Involved : BJP Mandalam Committee Member Vimal Kumar

Palakkad : A  brazen burglary in Kalmandapam has left BJP, SDPI leaderships in limbo.  In the incident,  a BJP Mandalam Committee member and gang comprising SDPI workers, broke into a house, tied up the housewife and made away with 57 pavan gold and 1.5 lakhs in cash- all in broad daylight. Seven people, including SDPI  leaders have been arrested in the carefully planned robbery. The main suspect is absconding.

At the helm of the robbery were : BJP Pudunanagaram Mandalam Committee member and former Panchayat Committee vice president Vimal Kumar and SDPI Pudunanagaram unit former president Basheeruddin. Although pictures are out of  Vimal Kumar posed alongside BJP leaders including  state president K Surendran,  BJP has not dismissed the  incident nor ousted Vimal Kumar. The SDPI leadership is also silent. Several media reported the burglary and the arrests but were deliberate in hiding the Party orientations.

The 57 pavan gold the gang burgled was sold  through Vimal Kumar’s brother-in-law and a Coimbatore goldsmith Suresh for  Rs 18.5 lakhs.

There was prior intelligence about a BJP-linked gangs by the name “Highway Gang” operating in the district. They are  active along  Walayar – Coimbatore – Madhura highway. The modus operandi is to stop  vehicles arriving with black money and loot. According to intelligence, RSS leaders who are private money lenders, snitch on the  cash-laden vehicles and provide details for the gangs to loot. Allegation is rife that these operations are happening with knowledge of high-rung BJP – RSS leaders in the district.
