27 July Saturday

Assembly Holds Right To Differ On Legislation Passed by Parliament : Speaker

Web Desk‌Updated: Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Affirming there is no mistake made in passing of resolution against Citizenship Amendment Act,  the Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan   told the House today that, the Assembly has every right to indicate a difference of opinion over any given legislation that may be passed by the Parliament ; and, that right is drawn from the federal system of governance, he added. 

It is up to the Cabinet to frame State policies and approve policy statement thereof. The onus is then on the Governor to inform general public, of the government policy. That is the obligation a governor must seek to fulfill, the Speaker said.

The Speaker had  ruled that a resolution based on Article 130 was admissible. The situation then necessitates certain procedures to be followed by the House, the specifics of which are laid down in the Statute.

And all that was said is that all rules  shall be strictly adhered to, said the Speaker.  It is not Speaker’s place to offer views on the content of a resolution; Rather his role is limited to overseeing the proceedings surrounding it, he added.

Preliminary steps, aimed at paperless Assembly, would commence with this Assembly. As part of this, all preparations have been made to release digitalized versions of the  governor’s and budget speech.

This would mark the coming a broad system in which, activities of the government would be integrated with that of Assembly, the Speaker said.



